Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
Got feedback to improve the page?
Contact: Julie Leuzinger
This page is intended to highlight library services and facilities that may concern a transgender individual; for example, information privacy, ways in which you can help yourself in person and online, restroom locations, or getting research help. For information about library services in general, please visit the UNT Libraries' Services page. Please contact Public Services Librarian, Briana Knox (they/them/theirs), if you have questions about a particular library service, we will do our best to describe it to address any concerns you may have in advance.
NOTE: While we have tried to use inclusive language in this guide, if you notice anything that could be improved, please don't hesitate to contact us with suggestions.
The UNT Library uses information pulled from the UNT system for your library record. To ensure we are using your chosen name, please go through UNT IT to change your name.
UNT Libraries written communication discontinued the use of gendered honorifics about a decade ago. You can learn more about personal pronouns at MyPronouns.
We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted (American Library Association Code of Ethics).
A single stall all use restroom is located in the southwest corner of the 4th floor of Willis Library and gendered restrooms are located in the corner stairwells on each floor. Please use the restroom in which you feel most comfortable.
There are a few ways to get research help at the UNT Libraries:
If you need something the Libraries do not own, you can: