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Ziegler, E., Valaitis, R., Risdon, C., Carter, N., & Yost, J. (2020). Models of Care and Team Activities in the Delivery of Transgender Primary Care: An Ontario Case Study. Transgender health, 5(2), 122–128.
If you have questions about finding journal articles for your research, please contact Julie Leuzinger (she/her/hers), the UNT Libraries Women's and Gender Studies Librarian.
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Contact: Julie Leuzinger
Peer review is a practice in which an article proposed for publication is reviewed by a group of experts in the same field as the article to establish that it meets established standards for scholarly research. Many databases have a check box that allow you to limit your search to peer reviewed items.
Most of the time, professors will request that you use peer reviewed or scholarly articles during your college career, but also because they are written by experts in the field.
The UNT Libraries subscribe to two of the top journals in Transgender Studies, Transgender Studies Quarterly, and Transgender Health. For additional articles, you can search in the Gender Studies Database linked below.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly offers a high-profile venue for innovative research and scholarship that contest the objectification, pathologization, and exoticization of transgender lives. It publishes interdisciplinary work that explores the diversity of gender, sex, sexuality, embodiment, and identity in ways that have not been adequately addressed by feminist and queer scholarship.
To access Transgender Studies Quarterly, use the search box from the library homepage. Type "Transgender Studies Quarterly" (highlighted in yellow below) in quotes, then click the green Search button to the right.
Select Transgender studies quarterly (highlighted in yellow below) on the bottom right under the Journals heading.
Select e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection Expanded (circled in red below) to get to the journal.
From the Duke University Press TSQ page, you can browse the current issue by clicking the blue "View This Issue" button in the center of the page, or you can search by keyword by using the text box at the top of the page. In this example, enter the term "pronoun" (highlighted in yellow below), then click the blue magnifying glass button to the right to see the results.
On the results page, you may want to limit (or narrow) your results by using the Subjects (circled in red below) on the left hand side to focus in on Linguistics, Higher Education, History, and more.
The Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies (BATS) is the leading venue for academic research addressing the social, cultural, and political issues facing transgender and gender minority communities across the globe. It is also the first journal with an entirely trans board.
Follow the steps used above to locate the Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies in the library catalog, to access through the database, Freely Accessible Journals.
Transgender Health is dedicated to delivering authoritative, peer-reviewed research and clinical studies focused exclusively on meeting the healthcare needs of transgender individuals throughout their lifespan.
Follow the steps used above to locate Transgender Health in the library catalog through the database, PubMed. From PubMed, you can browse all the issues, or select Advanced (circled in red below) to search within the journal.
On the Advanced search page, use the drop down menu on the left (circled in red below) to select Journal, then type Transgender Health in the text box (highlighted in yellow below). Type your search term, voice, in the text box below (also highlighted in yellow), then click the red Search button to view the results on the next page. [An additional feature with PubMed is that is shows you your search history, which is next to the red arrow in the image below].
Searching in this database is similar to any other EBSCOhost database, so if you have experience using Academic Search Complete, this will look quite familiar. Enter your search terms, transgender and healthcare (highlighted in yellow below,) in the text box and click the green Search button to the right.
On the results page, you can make the results more specific by adding additional search terms in the text box (such as, and "hormone therapy"). You can limit your results by selecting Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals or specifying a Publication Date or date range.
If you need help finding peer reviewed articles for your research, please contact your Women's and Gender Studies Subject Librarian, Julie Leuzinger (she/her/hers).
Newspapers are a great place to find information on current events that can be important to your research, just use your critical thinking skills to evaluate the source of the article to determine if it is a partisan source. For some tips on evaluating news sources, check out our Media Literacy library guide.
If you need help finding news articles for your research, please contact your Women's and Gender Studies Subject Librarian, Julie Leuzinger (she/her/hers).
You will need to click on the Access World News link (circled in red below) to begin your search.