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The Help Yourself Campaign (HYC) connects UNT students with library resources on health, identity, social, and wellness topics that may be difficult for individuals to ask questions about or discuss openly with others due to contextual factors in their lives. Each guide page directs students to books (physical and electronic) in our collection and digital resources that they can use as educational resources and bibliotherapy. The contact information for campus support offices that provide personal assistance with the topic is listed on the left-hand side of the page. Many of these campus support offices provide collection purchase recommendations and digital resource suggestions like websites and podcasts. The Outreach and Instruction Librarian also works with these campus partners to develop outreach programs to help connect students to library resources and support offices.
We understand it can take time before individuals might be ready to talk to a person. We aim to help you help yourself until you are ready for personal help in your journey.
A list of all campus support offices is listed on the Campus Resources tab. If you need help that is not provided on campus, the Locals & National Resource tab has a list of Denton/DFW organizations that provide compassionate care and have been vetted by employees at UNT. . We understand it can take time for an individual to be ready to talk to someone directly about their struggles.
Books listed on the HYC topic pages can be searched for using subject headings and keywords in the UNT Libraries' catalog. To find physical books in the library, use the book's call numbers to find books at Willis Library 3rd floor and Sycamore Library Mezzanine. Signage is provided in these locations to help you locate books quickly. Each library has self-checkout machines if you would like to check out books discretely, or you can visit our service desk for friendly assistance. Patron records, including checkouts, are not shared with third parties unless under a government-issued subpoena.
The Help Yourself Campaign was launched during the 2017 Fall semester in time with the annual National Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence Awareness Month in October. The campaign was started by Dr. Spencer Keralis, the former Department Head of the Digital Humanities and Collaborative Programs (DHCP) at the UNT Libraries. Dr. Keralis mentored Brea Henson, current HYC Coordinator, on outreach and community building.
The HYC aims to support the "physical, social, emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, creative, financial, [and] spiritual" wellness for UNT Students by providing access to educational information, bibliotherapeutic resources, contact information for specialists in providing care,and compassionate collaborations.
Student-serving campus organizations may request copies of our outreach card with QR code for your office by emailing brea.henson@unt.edu. We appreciate your help in spreading awareness of our resources to the broader UNT community.
As of April 2021, only UNT resources are provided on theses pages and third-party information has been removed unless the organization is an academic or a government organization or a certifying professional board. All third party resources, including non-profits and philanthropies, have been moved to the "Local & National Resource" tab.
Further as of April 2021, only non-profits and philanthropies will be accepted as additional resources for the Help Yourself Campaign.
Disclaimer about third-party resources: The additional resources have been selected for their educational content and potential free services only. Each resource is vetted for accurate information as well as ensuring the company or organization aligns with the UNT mission and values. When possible, non-profit status is provided. No financial agreements or contracts were signed for providing information. The UNT Libraries does not endorse any third party company or organization listed as a potential resource nor can the UNT Libraries recommend services provided by any third-party company or organization, though some many have existing contracts with UNT Denton or UNT System. The guide editor maintains the right to remove companies or organizations at their discretion without notification. Using third party information provided or services advertised on company or organization websites are at the individual's discretion.
Copyright © University of North Texas. Some rights reserved. Except where otherwise indicated, the content of this library guide is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Suggested citation for citing this guide when adapting it:
This work is a derivative of "Help Yourself Campaign @ the UNT Libraries", created by [author name if apparent] and © University of North Texas, used under CC BY-NC 4.0 International.