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Information Science: Introduction

UNT Department of Information Science


University of North Texas
College of Information
Department Information Sciences
3940 N. Elm, E292
Denton, TX 76207
Phone: 940.565.2445
Toll-free: 1.877.ASK.SLIS
FAX: 940.565.3101

Discovery Park Library Information

University of North Texas Libraries
Discovery Park Library
Discovery Park
3940 North Elm St., Room B112
Denton, TX 76207

Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Sunday - Closed

(940) 369-7200

Library Orientation

EBSCOhost is a popular database and has some great YouTube videos on how to use the "Advanced Search" option. 

The advanced search skills from EBSCOhost can be applied to using UNT's own catalog.  "Introduction to Library Research" is a great introduction to jump-start your research. 

For students having issues logging onto the Library's system from home, "VPN Login Instructions" provide great help!



image displaying retro setting of a library

image courtesy of Google Images

Welcome to the  Information Science Subject Guide!

This subject guide provides information on resources available from the UNT Libraries, both in the Discovery Park Library and online. It covers how to find articles using specific databases, reference sources, books, periodicals, and websites. To access each section, click on the appropriate tab. If you prefer to print the entire subject guide, click on the "Print Guide" link at the top at any time. To help me make this Guide more useful, please fill out the short survey on this page.

If you need any help, please don't hesitate to drop by the library, call 940-565-3245 or 877-872-0264 or email at

Search for Materials


Discovery Park Library

UNT Discovery Park PACCAR Technology Institute building

The Discovery Park Library provides the Department of Information Science with research, reference services, and books. Discovery Park Library is located in B112 on the first floor of the Discovery Park building. The library offers laptop checkout, public computers, study areas, and access to a Smart board. 

map of Discovery Park Library


Profile Photo
Greg Hardin
he, him, his
University of North Texas Libraries
Willis Library 080
Undergraduate Engagement & Research
1155 Union Circle #305190
Denton, Texas 76203-5017

Did You Know...

Did you know that library school students are eligible to join both American Library Association and the Texas Library Association at one low price?

Fill out your ALA/TLA joint student membership form and join today!