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Digital Scholarship/Digital Humanities

This guide includes information & resources for digital scholarship and digital humanities projects at UNT and beyond.

Digital Scholarship

Digital scholarship encompasses a wide range of activities across disciplines that utilize digital technologies, platforms, and methodologies to examine disciplinary questions through a digital lens, develop innovative solutions to research problems, produce new forms of scholarly outputs, or investigate the relationship of technology to traditional disciplinary topics or methods. 

Digital scholarship may include, among other things:

  • Digitization/imaging of analog material
  • Digital exhibits
  • Curating digital collections
  • Metadata creation
  • Digital preservation
  • Data curation and management
  • 3-D modelling and printing
  • Computational text analysis
  • Encoding content (i.e. TEI markup)
  • Visualization
  • Database development
  • Creation of web-based platforms or portals
  • GIS and digital mapping
  • Statistical analysis & support
  • Digital publishing (digital editions, electronic journals, web-based publishing, etc.)
  • Developing digital scholarship software or tools
  • Theories & criticism of technology in the disciplines
  • Digital storytelling
  • Digital pedagogy & instruction
  • Ethics & social justice in the digital realm

Digital Humanities

The Digital Humanities are an area of research, teaching, and creation concerned with the intersection of computing, digital technologies, and the disciplines of the humanities.

Digital Humanities (often abbreviated DH) currently incorporate both digitized and born-digital materials and combine the methodologies from traditional humanities disciplines with tools provided by computing (such as data visualization, information retrieval,data mining, statistics, text mining) and digital publishing (Wikipedia, 2014). 

"Digital humanities incorporate key insights from languages and literature, history, music, media and communications, computer science and information studies and combine these different approaches into new frameworks. More recently, the disciplinary focus has widened to include critical digital studies, as well as fields more commonly associated with engineering such as machine-learning, data science and artificial intelligence." -- David M. Berry, "What are the Digital Humanities", 2019.

The digital humanities can help scholars to:

  • provide wide access to cultural information
  • manipulate (big) data: to manage it, mash it up, mine it, map it, or model it
  • transform scholarly communication and collaboration (including student-faculty collaboration)
  • enhance teaching and learning
  • make a public impact

Digital Scholarship Resources at UNT

Digital Scholarship Resources outside of UNT