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Information Science: Reference Sources




Searching Databases

Boolean logic is used to search most databases.  By using connecting terms like AND, NOT, and OR searches can be broadened or narrowed. 

Below is a brief tutorial, (0:27) explaining how Boolean logic works.  

Boolean Logic

This last video is a lighter take on Boolean logic, (6:54).  Along with a good laugh, the video provides expert information on how to properly conduct a search using a database or search engine.

Search smarter, search faster

Search for Materials


Boolean Searching

Here is more help on using Boolean operators when searching.

Cataloging Tools

Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Online Book Reviews

Suggested LIS Journals

UNT's Libraries provide access to thousands of journals.  Below are only a small number of the journal titles offered relating to Library and Information Sciences.

Children's Literature

LIS/Outreach Librarian

Profile Photo
Greg Hardin
he, him, his
University of North Texas Libraries
Willis Library 080
Undergraduate Engagement & Research
1155 Union Circle #305190
Denton, Texas 76203-5017

Google Scholar

Scholar is a great way to use Google for academic searching!

Google Scholar Search