Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
Instructor is the term used here to include faculty such as tenured professors and professional track lecturers, adjuncts, and teaching fellows in the UNT department of Sociology. All instructors are welcome to request assistance in acquiring materials, schedule consultations (including on virtually), and promote library resources to students in their classes or for their research purposes. This page will highlight some services and procedures that may be of interest to this group.
The UNT Sociology department does a great job requesting course reserves (items at the library set aside for your class). You may contact the Subject Librarian if you need assistance to complete the form (Circulation will loop the Sociology Subject Librarian in). There is a place to request items, but they still need a form. "The UNT Libraries holds and distributes materials for instructors as required or recommended reading for their courses...Course reserves requests should be submitted by May 31st for the Fall semester, October 15th for the Winter and Spring semester, and March 1st for the Summer semester. In order to have material on Reserves in a timely manner, it is necessary for the Libraries to receive Reserves requests a minimum of two weeks prior to their initial use by student." (UNT Libraries Course Reserves website)
Items that were recently purchased, often by request for a course, that you might be helpful too!
UNT Libraries has print and e-books (fully online books accessible through your UNT EUID/Password off campus).
You can search online resources for E-books or the Discover Library Catalog where you can find physical items, like print books.
Visit the Sociology Library Guide Books page for details.
Special Collections/Archives and UNT Digital Libraries which includes Portal to Texas History, are selected, curated and digitalized by members of those departments. Item inclusion is not in consultation of your Subject Librarian (Public Services) but if you have a specific question, please ask.their help desks and/or your Subject Librarian who can consult or refer to other departments or services to get you the best answer.