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Guide for Sociology research topics to support the UNT community. Maintained by Lilly Ramin, Sociology Subject Librarian


  • This dataset page includes links to resources most requests by Sociology over the years.
  • For a more comprehensive guide, please review Librarian Debra's "Finding Datasets" guide

Sage Research Methods

UNT Library resources

What would you like to investigate (credit: Dataset guide)

Have you thought of which type of analysis you want to conduct? In general, there are three research methods: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Depends on your discipline, there could be a specific type of data analysis appropriate for your research.

The SAGE Research Methods is a collection of instructional videos and case studies that guide users through the research process. This collection also provide electronic access to the research series for social sciences: Little Green Books for quantitative methods and Little Blue Books for qualitative methods.

Below are direct links to the Sage Research Methods collection:

More Dataset tools: access to thousands of federal government datasets on various topics.  Also allows access to some APIs so you can build an application to access the data.


IPUMS USA collects, preserves and harmonizes U.S. census microdata and provides easy access to this data with enhanced documentation. Data includes decennial censuses from 1790 to 2010 and American Community Surveys (ACS) from 2000 to the present.

IPUMS provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space. IPUMS integration and documentation makes it easy to study change, conduct comparative research, merge information across data types, and analyze individuals within family and community contexts. Data and services available free of charge.

Qualtrics Sources

UNT links to the Qualtrics University page for tutorial videos and training on this survey creation tool.

SDA: Survey Documentation and Analysis

“SDA is a set of programs for the documentation and Web-based analysis of survey data. SDA is developed and maintained by the Computer-assisted Survey Methods Program (CSM) at the University of California, Berkeley. CSM also develops the CASES software package.

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