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Guide for Sociology research topics to support the UNT community. Maintained by Lilly Ramin, Sociology Subject Librarian

OWL Purdue Citation Help

OWL at Purdue Writing lab has very popular citation guides to get you started. Examples: APA Guide MLA Guide There is general information on the OWL main page

  • Question: Which format do I use for my UNT class?
  • Answer: Always check your syllabus, or check with your instructor/TA on the preferred citation format for your class or area of study. Sometimes professors let you choose, but want you to be consistent and choose one format for your paper.

ASA (American Sociological Association)

ASA is the American Sociological Association. ASA citation style is less common that APA style for Social Sciences in general, but may be required for some UNT Sociology assignments.

1. You may consult the ASA manual for in-library use by going to the Willis Library Services Desk.
Here is the link to the catalog record for the 2014 version link 

2. You may consult websites or guides. For example, you may consult the SJSU guide on ASA

3. If you know, or have time to learn RefWorks Citation Manager, you may export references (and possibly resources) in ASA format. Here is a RefWorks guide from our library expert on this tool. 

Writing Center

The UNT Writing Center is a good resource for you while you are enrolled at UNT.

  • They have 1. Undergraduate 2. Graduate 3. Online Tutoring 
  • You can email them at to set up an online appointment

What is RefWorks?

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a web-based reference manager that allows you to create your own personal database of references and documents for both academic and personal use. With RefWorks you can:

  • Easily import references from electronic databases, the UNT library catalog, websites, other reference managers, and more into your account
  • Quickly create reference lists/bibliographies for papers and projects in the citation style of your choice
  • Store, read and annotate documents

See the Introduction to RefWorks handout below to get started with your account. To learn about the basic and advanced functions, view the RefWorks video tutorials.