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First Year Experience (FYE) and Orientations

An introductory guide for freshman and transfer students (or anyone new to UNT Libraries)

Library partnerships

Welcome to the Citing/Writing page:

Help desk and Subject Librarians specialize in finding you the resources, but there are also campus partners available to help with the writing and citing part of the research papers and projects. During Fall and Spring semester, you may even be able to consult them in the library.

There are drop in hours at Willis Library with two services that can help with tutoring and writing/citing.

Tutoring Services at UNT Libraries

Libraries are partnering with the UNT Writing Center  to provide as much help as possible for you when you come to Willis Library. Stop by Willis Library, 2nd floor for help during tutoring hours. No appointment needed!

Hours at Willis Library:

Drop-in hours at Willis Library will resume in the Fall 2024 semester!

Writing and Citing resources:

This page compiles helpful links on citation guides, websites and managers available to you at UNT Libraries.

Writing Center

The UNT Writing Center is a good resource for you while you are enrolled at UNT.

  • They have 1. Undergraduate 2. Graduate 3. Online Tutoring 
  • You can email them at to set up an online appointment

OWL at Purdue Writing lab resources

OWL is a popular resource for quick tips on writing and citing in popular formats. There is general information on the OWL main page

Examples: APA Guide MLA Guide

  • Tip: Always check your syllabus or check with your instructor/TA on the preferred citation format for your class or area of study, sometimes professors let you choose, but want you to be consistent and choose one format for your paper.

RefWorks Video and Guide

Refworks is a tool where you can save your citation, articles and create a bibliography

Additional Links
