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Ambrose, S.A., Bridges, M.W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M.C.. Norman, M.K. (2010) How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass.
Chapter 6: "Why Do Student Development and Course Climate Matter for Student Learning?" pp. 153-188.
Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center.
Students are responding to course content and/or classroom dynamics in emotional and unproductive ways.
Students lack interest or motivation.
Students behave rudely in class.
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Bart, M. (2007, June 9) Non-traditional students: Understanding of adult learners' needs. Faculty Focus
DiPietro, M. (2007). Checklist of assumptions that can impact motivation, learning and performance Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence. Carnegie Mellon.
Irish, C and Scrubb, M. (2012, November 12). Five competencies for culturally competent teaching and learning. Faculty Focus.
Dweck, C. (2010). What is mindset? from Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House.
Ebbeling, J. and VanBrunt, B. (2010, March 26). Four tips for dealing with difficult students. Faculty Focus.
Meyer, L. (2015, January 7). 6 Alternative Social Media Tools for Teaching and Learning. Campus Technology.
Meyers, S.A. (2009) Do your students care whether you care about them? College Teaching. 57,4. pp. 204-210.
Mindsetworks. How Having A Growth Mindset Can Change Your Life.
Davies, V. (2014, February 27) A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom. Edutopia. George Lucas Educational Foundation.
Owens, M. (2014, October 23) Using social media in the classroom: Why there's a lot to like Faculty Focus.
Pingree, A. and Zakrajsek, T. (2012) Encouraged student-faculty interaction outside of class. IDEA
Saunders. S. and Kardia, D. (2016). Creating inclusive college classrooms. Center for Research on Teaching and Learning. University of Michigan.
The Huffington Post. (2013, October 21) How professors are using social media.
Weimer, M. (2013). Two Activities that Influence the Climate for Learning. Faculty Focus
Weimer, M. (2012, April 23). Strategies for creating a more inclusive classroom. Faculty Focus
Weimer, M. (2014, July 2). Creating a respectful classroom environment. Faculty Focus
Weimer, M. (2016). "The questions we should be asking our students". Faculty Focus
Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center.
Assessing prior knowledge.
Fraser, R. (2010,, September 10). Modular assignments: Learning episodes for diverse students. Faculty Focus
Hagenauer G. and Volet, S.E. Teacher-student relationship at university: An important yet under-researched field. Oxford Review of Education.
Jackson, K.A. (2013, November 8). Learning from mistakes: A different approach to partial credit. Faculty Focus.
Svinicki, M., and McKeachie, W.J. (2010). Chapter 13: "Dealing with Student Problems and Problem Students (There's Almost Always at Least One!) McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 13th edition. p. 171-186.
Weimer, M. (2013, November 20). Tips for developing students' note-taking skills. Faculty Focus.
Weimer, M. (2014, July 2). Creating a respectful classroom environment. Faculty Focus