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Marketing & Logistics Faculty Teaching Resources (ML GSTEP)

Resources to support pilot program designed to assist doctoral Marketing and Logistics students in developing higher education teaching skills

Recommended Reading

Babson College.  Effective teamwork in student groups.  Retrieved from:
Group Project Survival Guide:  Retrieved from:

Barkley, E. F., Major, C. H., & Cross, K. P. (2014). Collaborative Learning Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bart, M.  (2010).  How to design effective online group work activities.
Brame, C.J. and Biel, R. (2015). Setting up and facilitating group work: Using cooperative learning groups effectively. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from
Brickell, L. C. J. L., Porter, L. C. D. B., Reynolds, L. C. M. F. and Cosgrove, C. R. D. (1994),Assigning Students to Groups for Engineering Design Projects: A Comparison of Five Methods. Journal of Engineering Education, 83: 259–262. 

Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center:  Design and Teach a Course
What are practices for designing group projects: retrieved from:
Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center Group projects aren't working    
Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence (2012).  Collected Wisdom: Strategies and Resources from TAs for TAs.  Electronic book.  Chapter:  Managing and Facilitating Groups, p. 83-90. Pittsburgh, PA. 
CATME SMARTER Teamwork–    

Cornell University Center for Teaching Excellence Problem Based Learning
Problem-Based Learning  
Cornell University Center for Teaching Excellence .  Collaborative Learning Group Work      

Davis, B. G.  (1993).   Collaborative Learning:  Group Work and Study Teams.  In Tools for Teaching, Jossey-Bass Publishers:  San Francisco.  Accessible via University of California at Berkeley Tools for Teaching website.
DePaul Teaching Commons.  (2012).  Collaborative learning.  Website.

Frey, N., Fisher, D., and Everlove, S.  (2009).  Productive group work.  Chapter 1:  Defining productive group work.  Electronic book. 

Gould, D. (2006).  Virtual Teams.  On website Fifth Generation Work - Virtual Organization. 
Johnson, D.W. and Johnson, R.T. (n.d.) An Overview of Cooperative Learning.  Retrieved from:
Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. and Smith, K.A.  (2014). Cooperative learning:  Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory.  Journal on Excellence in College Teaching.  25(3&4), 85-118.
Johnson, R. T., and D. W. Johnson. (1994).  "An overview of cooperative learning."  In Creativity and Collaborative Learning: A practical guide to empowering students and teachers.  Thousand, J. S., Villa, R. A., and Nevin, A. I., editors.  Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore.  p. 31-44.  .
Johnson, R. T., and D. W. Johnson.  (1998).  Cooperative learning.  Website.
Larry Michaelson.  Teambased Learning Group Formation.    

Nelson, M. (2009, November 15). Cooperative learning in action.  Patrick Henry Community College. Retrieved from:
Palini, S.  (n.d.)  Working with Virtual Teams - Useful Tools.  Website Virtual Project Consulting.
Sam Houston State University: Project Based Learning in Higher Education Project based learning in higher education
Renewable Energy World.    

SERC portal for Educator Pedagogy in Action:  the s:  Teaching with Simulations Small Group Simulations    

Strauss, A.L. and Westlund, J. 2005. "Teaching About Controversial Issues"       Minnesota Pollution Control Agency website (accessed June 20, 2012).

Sviniki, M. & McKeachie, W.J. (2011). McKeachie's Teaching Tips. Chapter 14: Active learning: group-based learning. pp. 190 - 201.  Belmont, CA, U.S.: Wadsworth. 

University of Michigan Medical School - facilitator guide Facilitator Guide Small Group Experience     

University of Waterloo Center for Teaching Excellence. Teamwork skills:  Being an effective group member.  Retrieved from:
University of Waterloo.  Center for Teaching Excellence.  Making Group Contracts
UNT. Provisional University of North Texas COMMUNICATION SKILLS Rubric, Spring, 2014. Working Draft.  Retrieved from:
UNT. Provisional University of North Texas TEAMWORK Rubric, Spring, 2014. Working Draft.  Retrieved from: 
Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching and Learning website describes several ways we have students work together in our classes.     

Weimer, M. (2013). Defining and promoting teamwork in the classroom.  

Weimer, M.  (2012).  "An interesting group work model."  Faculty Focus, May 11, 2012.  Website.

Watson, W.E. & Michaelsen, L.K. (1988). Group interaction behaviors that affect performance on an intellective task. Group and Organizational Studies. 13 (4), 495-516.