Circular No. 29: Composition of Cooked Fish Dishes by U.S. Departmejnt of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (issuing agency)Call Number: I 49.4:29
Publication Date: 1954
The tables in this report were developed In response to a growing demand by physicians, dietitians, nutritionists, and others for information on the composition of foods, particularly with respect to cooked or prepared fish and shellfish dishes. (Almost all previous investigations were carried out on the raw flesh.) Table 1 lists the content of protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash, and the caloric value per hundred grams and per serving portion for 161 dishes containing many of the common varieties of fish and shellfish. Table 2 lists the major ingredients used in the dishes. Information is included on how the data on food values can be used for dishes containing other fish or shellfish than those specifically mentioned.