Music Library: Basics for New Users: Books About Music

The Music Library has thousands of print books about music. They have two kinds of call numbers, those beginning with ML and those beginning with MT. 

ML stands for music literature, that is to say, literature about music. There are certain sections of books that are particularly popular, and some are easily browsable. One example is biographies of classical composers. They have ML 410 numbers, and the call numbers put the biographies in alphabetical order by composer. For each composer, the books are in alphabetical order by author. 

By searching our online catalog, you can find listings for books in the MLs on topics such as musical instruments, musical genres such as jazz, classical, folk, or rock, and periods of music history.

MT stands for music theory or music teaching. In that section we have books on topics such as music fundamentals, music theory, and music education. We also have method books for a large number of instruments and for voice. 

We now also have many electronic books about music. You can look them up in the online catalog to access them. Caution: many electronic books have limitations on the number of simultaneous users who can read them, which may mean that immediate access is not always possible. Providers usually charge higher prices for more simultaneous users. Please consult music library personnel if you have difficulties accessing an electronic book. 

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