Music Library: Basics for New Users: Recorded Music

The UNT Music Library has a vast archive of sound recordings in numerous historical and current formats. Our holdings number over one million items. Throughout our history our expert music librarians have developed carefully-selected collections of LPs and CDs, and we have often received significant donations. Most of our LPs and CDs are available for checkout. Also, we now subscribe to a number of streaming audio databases that provide electronic access to thousands of recordings in various genres. All members of the UNT community are allowed to use them from anywhere they have internet access. 

We have recordings in historic formats that go all the way back to 78s and cylinders, and thanks to donations of historical sound reproduction equipment, we have the machines on which to play them. They have been expertly repaired and restored, and they are working. 

Our LPs have call numbers which begin with LPZ, followed by numbers. Our CDs are similar, with call numbers that begin with LPCD. We invented this system ourselves. These numbers do not classify the recordings. Rather, as we add items to our collection, the next recording gets the next number. We have not assigned any call numbers to our large collection of 78s.

Thousands of our often-requested CDs are shelved in the Music Library in a space restricted to staff members. Because our system does not classify them, searching the shelves would not help you to browse for sections of similar items. To access the CDs you want, search for them in the online catalog and take their call numbers to an attendant at the music services desk. 

Due to space constraints, all of our LPs and 78s and many of our CDs are in remote storage. You can request them online via the online catalog. If you need to listen to an LP and do not have a record player, we have a small one we can check out to you to use in the library. We can play 78s for you by appointment. 

Please visit the Music Streaming Audio and Video Databases guide for details about which of those we subscribe to and what kinds of music they offer:


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