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Assessment @ UNT Libraries

This guide is meant as an introduction to assessment at the UNT Libraries with relevant resources for anyone interested in starting their own assessment project.

Assessment Seminar FY24

The Library Assessment Committee (LAC) hosted a workshop on April 22nd and 23rd, 2024, about how to plan an assessment either as a standalone project or as something integrated into existing processes.

Day 1: Introduction to the Assessment Cycle and Case Studies

The first day was spent learning the assessment cycle, then participants worked through case studies. You can find a link to the slides for the main presentation and worksheet below.

Main presentation

Recording of the presentation

Assessment project worksheet

Day 2: Assessment at UNT Libraries and Planning Your Assessment Project

The second day started off with three presentations about assessment projects from around the library from Kevin Yanowski (Cataloging and Metadata Services), Meranda Roy (Research Support Services), Kristin Wolski (Music Library), and Meghan Sprabary (Music Library). After the presentations, participants worked on their assessment projects, guided by LAC members who were embedded at each table. 

Main presentation

Recording of the presentation

Music Library assessment presentation

Additional Links
