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Assessment @ UNT Libraries

This guide is meant as an introduction to assessment at the UNT Libraries with relevant resources for anyone interested in starting their own assessment project.


UNT has two main departments that can help you with your assessment. They are the Office of Data, Analytics, & Institutional Research (DAIR) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB).


As part of the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) initiative in the UNT Strategic Plan, the UNT Libraries works with the Office of Data, Analytics, & Institutional Research to capture data of library usage. Below is the IE statement from the UNT webpage.

Institutional Effectiveness

The Institutional Effectiveness Division (IE) supports the ongoing process of collecting and analyzing data and implementing data-driven decisions as related to the goals and outcomes of the UNT Strategic Plan. IE manages the TracDat database and is responsible for reporting Institutional Effectiveness to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

The DAIR division Office of Data, Analytics, & Institutional Research maintains a contract with Qualtrics to assist college, department and program administrators in the development of effective, standardized survey instruments.  Access to this software is available through the MyUNT web portal.

For additional information on assessment and measurement initiatives developed through the Office of Data, Analytics, & Institutional Research, please see our Assessment Resources

Institutional Effectiveness (TracDat) and EIS Card Swiping

The Office of University Accreditation (UA) supports the ongoing process of collecting and analyzing data and implementing data-informed decisions as related to the goals and outcomes of the UNT mission. UA manages the TracDat database for institutional effectiveness (IE) plans, and reports institutional effectiveness to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). 

The Institutional Effectiveness process is focused on improving UNT’s student learning outcomes and services, while increasing student success and institutional quality.  Not only is it the right thing to do for our students and UNT, but including continuous improvement and innovation as part of the institutional culture ensures that student success and achievement are at the forefront of our mission.

UNT has built Institutional Effectiveness plans using TracDat for all degrees and graduate certificates; as well as administrative, academic and student support, research and public service units.  In addition, UNT assesses the student learning outcomes of general education courses (Core curriculum classes) in TracDat.  All of these plans align with SACSCOC Comprehensive Standard 3.3.1.

In addition to the TracDat, the university and libraries engage in card swiping. Student and employee ID cards are linked to their ID numbers, when a card is swiped at an event, office, room, etc., it is entered into a data pool of attendees. Card swipe data can express:

Visits to campus events

  • Patterns of frequency
  • Patterns of time of day
  • Patterns of days of week

Participation in campus events

  • Attendance counts
  • Demographic reports (reported as group percentages)
  • Verification of enrollment

Data reports can be used to enhance programs and services, bolster budget requests, and ensure office staffing is in place at busy times when students visit. Data reports, through the use of statistical analysis, can be used to predict rates of student retention and graduation. When reports are generated, the data is anonymous for privacy protection. Card swipe data is housed and reported through the DAIR office

The UNT Libraries collects card swipe data and uses collected data for internal assessment reports. When needed the assessment goes through the IRB process.

Want to know more about card swipe?


Assessment projects can be subject to undergo the IRB Approval Process. Projects that require IRB approval are those that use “human subjects,” as defined in the federal IRB regulations.

For more information regarding IRB approval or if your assessment requires IRB approval, please visit the UNT IRB webpage.

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