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Assessment @ UNT Libraries

This guide is meant as an introduction to assessment at the UNT Libraries with relevant resources for anyone interested in starting their own assessment project.


“Outcome-based evaluation is designed to get an organization, such as a library, to answer a crucial question: We do what, for whom, for what outcomes or benefits?”
Matthews, J. R. (2007). The evaluation and measurement of library services. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited. p. 25.

Assessment can be a daunting and frustrating concept, but it doesn't have to be. In it's most basic definitions in academic libraries, assessment is a tool to for the continual improvement of library services or as a way to show the value of our services.

Guidelines for Assessment:

  • Select 1-2 outcomes each year
  • Collect all existing data measures relevant to that outcome.
  • Analyze the individual data measures to find if they met their targets.
  • Pool the assessment findings relevant to the outcome.
  • Interpret, analyze, and discuss the assessment findings.
  • Create an action plan specifying the actions to be used to address the outcome.

Remember that assessment is a process of continual refinement. 

Diagram of a 6-step assessment cycle 1. identify goals 2. identify and administer assessment measures 3. collect and aggregate data 4. data analysis 5. develop action steps for improvement 6. carry out action steps


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