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Government Comics

Cartoons and comic books published by government agencies; also government publications that discuss cartoons and comics.

Government Posters and Maps

Government posters and maps illustrated by cartoons.

Rollin Kirby

Rollin Kirby was a Pulitzer-Prize-winning American political cartoonist. These are some of the propaganda posters he illustrated during World War II to boost the morale of American miners and emphasize the importance of mining metal ores for manufacturing weapons.

RCA Manufacturing Company

In or around 1942, the RCA Manufacturing Company published a series of propaganda posters using the slogan "Beat the Promise" (or sometimes "Beat Your Promise") as an incentive for American workers to exceed their established war-production quotas during World War II. The company also recorded inspirational messages on this theme delivered by former RCA employees who were currently serving in the military and played the recordings over loudspeakers in its plants. (Information from Design for Victory, by William L. Bird and Harry R. Rubenstein.)


These posters were created for RCA by the mononymous cartoonist "Alexander." Only one of them uses the "Beat your promise" slogan. 

Boris Artzybasheff / Wickwire Spencer Steel Company

Boris Artzybasheff was a Russian-born American artist known for his surrealist magazine illustrations. These are some of the caricatures he created during World War II for a series called Axis in Agony! The images incorporate products made for American military forces by the Wickwire Spencer Steel Company