This educational comic tells a mystery story about schoolchildren lost in a museum during a school field trip and experiencing seemingly supernatural events. When one child breaks her ankle, the situation is used to teach children about how to use their local 9-1-1 service to report an emergency. The story is presented in English and Spanish versions bound back to back, inverted, with separate title pages.
In this educational comic, several students talk about what they did on their summer vacations. Each story involves an emergency and teaches the reader something about making 9-1-1 calls, such as how to make an emergency call from an internet phone or cell phone (you must give the dispatcher your address or describe physical location) and how to call 9-1-1 from a public pay phone (the call is free, so you don't need to put change in). The comic is printed in English and Spanish versions bound back to back, inverted, with separate title pages.
In this educational comic, several students talk about what they did on their summer vacations. Each story involves an emergency and teaches the reader something about making 9-1-1 calls, such as how to make an emergency call from an internet phone or cell phone (you must give the dispatcher your address or describe physical location) and how to call 9-1-1 from a public pay phone (the call is free, so you don't need to put change in). The comic is printed in English and Spanish versions bound back to back, inverted, with separate title pages. This special edition includes a now defunct link to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Website. The current link is