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MKTG 4470: Business-to-Business Marketing

Research guide for MKTG 4470: Business-to-Business Marketing with resouces to help complete your B2B Planning Project assignments.

How do I get started finding industry information?

Use the following steps and strategies to find industry information:

  1. Define your industry by determining the goods and/or services being offered by your company.
  2. Look for industry profiles, overviews, and reports from library subscription databases.
  3. Consider who might care enough to write about your industry (e.g. trade groups/associations).
  4. Avoid thinking too narrowly about your industry, especially for niche markets.
  5. Don't be afraid to ask for help from me or our AskUs service.

How do I define my industry?

Follow these steps to define your company's industry using classification codes:

  1. Identify the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code(s) that best describe your business.
  2. Identify the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code(s) that best describe your business.
  3. Use both NAICS and SIC definitions to define the industry your business operates in.

Where can I find industry profiles & overviews?

Covers 900+ industries. Includes definitions, snapshots, background and development, current conditions, and industry leaders.

U.S. industry market research reports. Include overviews, performance and outlook, competitive and regulatory environment, major competitors, operational conditions, and key statistics.

Screenshot of database search using NAICS industry code.

500+ industry profiles. Include global major players; competitive landscape; products, operations, technology; sales & marketing; finance & regulation; and more.

Screenshot of database record highlighting access to Industry Details tab and link to First Research Industry Report.

Where can I find financial ratios for my industry?

Provides industry benchmark financial ratios by industry code and company size.

NOTE: ON RESERVE at the Sycamore Library Service Desk, Call Number: HF5681.R25.I53

Provides industry benchmark financial ratios by industry code and company size.

NOTE: ON RESERVE at the Sycamore Library Service Desk, Call Number: HG1507.R6

Provides industry benchmark financial ratios by industry code and company size.

NOTE: ON RESERVE at the Sycamore Library Service Desk, Call Number: HF5681.R25.A4​

Where can I find industry statistics?

Barnes Reports include definitions, total establishments, total sales, employment trends, ratios, future estimates, and 5-year trends in the U.S.

Screenshot of database search highlighting limit options, such as date range, publication type, and industry code.

Video tutorial:

Includes overall revenue, IVA, establishments, employment, wages, domestic demand, and more.

Screenshot of database report highlighting location of key statistics.

Includes data on international industries from thousands of sources. Search by company (Home Depot) or keyword (home improvement).

Screenshot of database homepage highlighting access point to industry reports.

Video tutorial:

Where can I find industry trends?

Search full text articles for industry trends in journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Screenshot of database search highlighting search query and limits, such as full text and date range.

Search full text articles for industry trends in journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Screenshot of database search highlighting search query and limit options, such as full text, document type, and industry code.

Video tutorial:

Search full text news articles for industry trends.

Screenshot of database search highlighting search query and limit options, such as language and date range.

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