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MUAG 4740/MUSM 5285: Seminar in Sacred Music/Introduction to Congregational Singing

Guide to find resources related to hymnology and sacred music to assist with research projects.

Searching Indexes and the Thesaurus

Several prominent music databases are hosted by the EBSCOhost vendor platform. Each individual database has its own set of indexes and controlled vocabulary. Review subject searching under Search Strategies in this guide for a review on subject searching as a powerful search strategy. Alternatively, the EBSCOhost platform allows users to search databases simultaneously and still provide access to the unique search menus for each database.

Find menus with access to indexes and controlled vocabulary for proper names and subject headings on the top, left-hand side of EBSCOhost database pages. If you are not sure what controlled vocabulary is, revisit the previous page on Subject Headings. Each EBSCOhost database offers different menu options, including some indexes, specific to the purpose/topic of the database. The images below are examples of these types of menus in RILM and Music Index, which use the EBSCOhost platform. The menu options in the RILM database for finding indexes of controlled vocabulary is New Search, the Names index, the Subjects index, the Instrument Families, Counties and More with an additional dropdown in the green banner at the top of the webpage:


RILM menu thesaurus and index menu

Music Index

The menu options in the Music Index database is New Search, Publications, Cited References, and Indexes in the green banner at the top of the webpage:

Music Index menu and index options

Search Modes

In the EBSCOhost platform, you have the option of changing the search modes. We have focused on methods for Boolean searching, but EBSCOhost is defaulted to perform "Find all my search terms" searching. This is similar to searching in Google with colloquial, or "natural" language, where the word "and" is placed between every word and is less strategic. You are welcome to try searching this way but can toggle the search mode to Boolean/Phrase to execute a more strategic search.

SmartText Searching is useful for searching sentences, long phrases, or larger sections of text. The below image depicts the Search Modes and Expanders options.

search bar with search modes and expander options, such as boolean/phrase, find all my search terms, find any of my search terms, SmartText searching


Searching Multiple Databases Simultaneously

Search in multiple EBSChost databases simultaneously by selecting Choose Databases from a specific EBSCOhost database page. For instance, it is possible to search RILM and Music Index at the same time. 

EBSCOHost searching simultaneously

Strategic Advanced Database Searching

The image below depicts the anatomy of an Advanced search in EBSCOhost:

Anatomy of an EBSCOhost advanced search box

  • Advanced search link appears below a single search box. Click on it to obtain more empty search boxes with Boolean operators.
  • Boolean operate AND, OR, NOT appear on the left-hand side of the search box in a drop-down menu
  • Search attributes appear in a drop-down menu to the right of a search box. Adjust accordingly, so the term in the search box correspondes with a resource Title, Author, Subject, or conduct a Keyword with the TX-All text field. Consult the EBSCOhost Field Codes page for more information.