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MUAG 4740/MUSM 5285: Seminar in Sacred Music/Introduction to Congregational Singing

Guide to find resources related to hymnology and sacred music to assist with research projects.

Truncation and Parenthesis


In many databases, you can search the root of a word to retrieve variations of it by using an asterisk. For instance, by searching quartet*, you will receive results with quartet AND quartets. Each database has determined its own search operators, and you will need to consult the Help section of the database once you are using it. The Help menu often appears in the top left or right side of the database webpage.


Wrap synonyms or similar concepts in parenthesis and combine with another Boolean operator. Databases will search for keywords or phrases within the parenthesis first, then will move to the next Boolean operator. For instance:

Example 1: (keyboard* OR piano) AND Beethoven

Result: This search will produce a results with Beethoven and keyboard/keyboards; Beethoven and piano. Results will not contain keyboard* or piano alone.

Example 2: (“chamber music” OR “small ensemble”) AND Beethoven

Result: This search will produce results of Beethoven and chamber music; Beethoven and small ensemble. Results will not contain "chamber music" or "small ensemble" alone.

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