Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
Locating information on advertising expenditures can be difficult. Below are a few suggested resources that might help
SRDS: these directories provide valuable data about media sources including: contact information, advertising rates, circulation information, audience size data, and other metrics.
SRDS Business Publications - "Business Publications" can be accessed by clicking “Magazines” on the main page of the host platform, SRDS.
Journals & Periodicals
Public Opinion Polling
Information from the Federal Government
Resources on the Web and tips for building a better Google search query
Combine the industry, company, or NAICS with keyword terms like "consumer behavior" "purchase decision" "product choice" via Google to search for relevant materials.
When searching via Google combine limiters with keyword to return specific results. Below are a few examples:
Resources from the Federal Government