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Voting and Civic Engagement

Learn how to become active in your nation, your state, your local community, and at UNT!

Introduction to Civic Engagement

As a United States citizen, it is your right and civic duty to vote, contact your representatives, and contact other government officials to express your informed opinion on current and potential legislation, national issues, local needs, etc. Use this guide to identify and contact federal, state, local officals.


Upcoming Elections in Denton

General Election — November 5, 2024

More information about this election—including locations, dates, times, and candidates—can be found at the Denton County Elections Office website. 

Why Voting and Civic Engagement is Important in the U.S.

Per, Vote (noun) is defined as

  1. a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals.
  2. the means by which such expression is made, as a ballot, ticket, etc.
  3. the right to such expression:

In other words, voting is your right to express your opinion on a candidate or an issue. Informed voters play an active role in governance on the federal, state, and local levels.

There is no such thing as not voting. Not showing up to vote has consequences too. Here's how America voted, and didn't, in the 2020 Presidential election, courtesy of The Washington Post. Don't let others decide for you; show up, VOTE, and be a decider.

Voter Turnout in 2020 Presidential Election


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