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SciTech Standards on Demand

This guide provides information on library policies regarding standards, what standards are, how to find standards, and about our SciTech Standards on Demand program for requesting the purchase of standards.

UNT Policy on Standards

Standards are an essential part of the learning and research that occurs at UNT. However, with over 95,000 recognized standards in the United States alone, and the high price typically associated with them it is impossible for the libraries to provide access to every single one. With that in mind, the libraries has created a service to provide access to only those standards that are necessary to the learning and research communities at UNT. Standards will be purchased on an as-requested basis when funds are available. We strive to make them available in a timely manner, but ask for an appropriate amount of time for us to order and obtain copies for use.


For more information on policies regarding collections see the Collection Development Policy

What is SciTech Standards on Demand?

Standards are essential to the learning and research of students, faculty, and staff at the University of North Texas. In order to provide access to those standards that are used the Libraries have created SciTech Standards on Demand. With this program, students, faculty, and staff of UNT can request the Libraries purchase a given standard. To participate in this program please make sure the standards meet our requirements for purchase, then contact your liaison librarian, access services, inter-library loan, or Coby Condrey (the owner of this guide).