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Digital Scholarship/Digital Humanities

This guide includes information & resources for digital scholarship and digital humanities projects at UNT and beyond.

Short Guide to Evaluation of Digital Work

This short guide from the Journal of Digital Humanities gathers a collection of questions evaluators can ask about a project, a check list of what to look for in a project, and some ideas about how to find experts in one place. This assumes that evaluators who are assessing digital work for promotion and tenure are:

  • new to the review of digital scholarly work and therefore could use a framework of questions to start with;
  • prepared to review the materials submitted by a candidate in the form it was meant to be accessed but need ideas of what to look for; and
  • will also ask for expert reviews from others and therefore need suggestions on where to look for relevant expertise.

This is an annotated expansion of Evaluating Digital Work (PDF) which was prepared as a one page checklist.

Association and Disciplinary Guidelines

The guidelines listed below are created by professional associations for the evaluation of Digital Humanities and Scholarship.

American Historical Association

Art Disciplines

Health Disciplines

Modern Language Association

Additional Criteria for Promotion and Tenure


Additional Links
