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Genealogy Resources

Resources for genealogy available in our libraries.


This page provides some of the most common websites for U.S. online genealogical research as well as reference resources such as Cyndi's List. Those sites which are fee based are indicated as such in the description. 

In addition tor resources listed here, many state libraries and archives host rich digital collections or provide catalogs to locate stat-based records.

General Websites

Immigration & Naturalization

Immigration and naturalization records have changed over time. Early records may be limited to passenger lists, ship manifests or customs reports. Later records information naturalization information, visa applications and passport records. 

The U.S. Customs and Immigration Service offers information about immigration to the U.S. since 1790

The USCIS Genealogy Program is authorized to make five series of the agency’s historical records available to requesters.  Other agency records may be available from the USCIS Freedom of Information (FOIA) Program, or may have transferred to the National Archives.

Some immigration records are available online via free and fee-based resources.

Non-U.S Genealogy / International Records

The resources below offer guidance on locating genealogy records from non-U.S. sources. In addition to these, (linked from UNT Databases) offers an International Records search and an Explore by Location option.

Military Records

Military Service Records is limited especially for service members who separated from the military less than 62 years ago. These records are not available to the public and can only be requested by the individual or a direct decedent.  

Records of individuals who left service more than 62 years ago are considered archival records and become records of the National Archives open to the general public.

Revolutionary War

Civil War Records

World War I

World War II

Korean War

Vietnam War (Vietnamese Conflict)

Cemetery & Death Records

Land Records & Maps

American Indian Records

Newspapers & Other Resources


Other Resources