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Genealogy Resources

Resources for genealogy available in our libraries.


This page describes American genealogical related journals and databases available through the UNT Libraries. 



These resources provide access to records and documents relevant to genealogy research, including U.S. Census, immigration records, military records and more.

Tips for using Ancestry Library Edition

Users of Ancestry Library Edition can view public family trees and message boards, but cannot create their own or post messages. Library Edition users are also not able to create a log in for saving groups of records. These tools are only available to individual Ancestry subscribers.

When searching Ancestry Library Edition -

  • Start broad. Trying to be too specific may not return any results. Start broad and use tools within the database to narrow your search.
  • Be flexible. Sometimes names and dates are wrong. Census enumerators may have misspelled your ancestor's name or your ancestor may be listed under a nickname or less commonly used name. Dates for ancestors may be off slightly as birth and death records were not always well documented or officially reported. 
  • Pay attention to Suggested Records. The system works to find connections to your ancestors. When you're offered a suggested record, follow the lead as it may be a connection on your tree. 
  • Verify your records. Genealogy is often inexact and something of a guessing game. Because of the age of many records inferences are drawn to complete your family tree. To help be as sure as possible do what you can to verify your records. 
  • Don't give up. Though many historic records are available online via Ancestry or other databases. Many more have not been digitized or indexed online. Some connections may require a trip to a county courthouse, cemetery, or state or federal archive.



Newspapers provide genealogists information about their ancestors including birth, marriage, and death records, as well as information that provides context to where and how they lived.

Other Resources of Interest

Government documents offer information for genealogists.  The U.S. Congressional Serial Set contains military records, immigration records, land records, lists of government employees, pension records, as well as much, much more. Private Law introduced or passed by Congress may offer information about an ancestor. Additionally, government record collections may include court documents, investigations or interviews?

UNT Hosted Digital Collections

Available to users outside the UNT community, the UNT Digital Library and Portal to Texas History provide access to a wealth of content including newspapers, city directories, school annuals and more.
