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BIOL 4054/5054 and PHIL 4054/6781: Tracing Darwin's Path

Readings - books and articles - for the students of Tracing Darwin's Path

Welcome and Introductory Documents

Welcome to the course guide for BIOL 4054/5054 and PHIL 4054/6781: Tracing Darwin's Path! The following pages contain links to books and articles you are required to read for the course. Feel free to contact Ask Us at with your questions. 

Photos from Previous Years

Mistnetting at Robalo Lake, Jan. 6, 2014 Campephilus Omora, Mar. 18, 2012

Mistnetting at Robalo Lake, Jan. 6, 2014                         Campephilus Omora, Mar. 18, 2012


Navarino, Jan. 15, 2014   Flight to Port Williams, Dec. 13, 2012

Navarino, Jan. 15, 2014                                                   Flight to Port Williams, Dec. 13, 2012


Campephilusmagellanicus guerrico, Jan. 23, 2013C

Campephilusmagellanicus guerrico, Jan. 23, 2013

The photos above were all taken by Dr. Jaime Jimenez.

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