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CHEM 3451 Quantitative Analysis

Resources to use for the Literature Search Report (bonus assignment) in CHEM 3451.

What Are MSDS?

MSDS are Material Safety Data Sheets required by the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. The HCS was revised in 2012 and the sheets were renamed, Safety Data Sheets (SDS). You will see both names and abbreviations when searching for information. SDS are produced by chemical manufacturers and must include toxicological information, first-aid measures and much more about all manufactured chemicals.

Read this 2012 brief from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to get full details on the information required in an SDS.

How to Find MSDS

UNT Libraries do not subscribe to the database of SDS (Safety Data Sheets); however, many SDS are available for free on the Internet. Here's a resource where you can check for the SDS concerning the substance you are studying:

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