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Hearing Health for Musicians

Resources to help musicians to care for their ears to protect their hearing now and in the future

Protect Your Ears

Hearing Health

Whether you’re in search of quiet study or protecting what matters most, your hearing health is important to us, and we're happy to provide earplugs for users, available in the Music Library at the service desk. Hearing loss due to loud sounds can be permanent, but ear plugs can be one line of defense in preventing it.

According to an article on Hearing Problems and Deafness on the website, hearing disorders can occur at any age for a variety of reasons:

  • Heredity
  • Diseases such as ear infections and meningitis
  • Trauma
  • Certain medications
  • Long-term exposure to loud noise
  • Aging

Nonetheless, with proper attention, it's often possible to help people with hearing loss (MedlinePlus, 2020). If you are curious about possible symptoms associated with hearing loss, check out  MedlinePlus's article on Hearing Loss for some background information.

We invite you to explore resources available to you from the UNT Libraries to learn more about how you can protect your hearing before loss occurs. We have selected several specific resources, which appear on this guide, to help you get started. What is more, UNT students have access to the Texas Center for Performing Arts Health, a department within the College of Music focused on research and treatments related to occupational health problems musicians might experience.


MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2020 Jun 24]. Hearing Problems and Deafness; [updated 2021 Jun 4; cited 2022 Sept 26]. Available from: