"The Society for the Study of Sound and Music in Games acts as a central hub for the emerging academic, and professional, communities of people working with video game audio."
"Our slant, which we feel distinguishes us from other related inter-disciplinary/multimedia projects, is the musicological approach to video game music, as opposed to the non-performative visual arts, or non-interactive film, for example. This also sets our project apart from the related game sound groups, which are generally more industry based, and where they do cross over with musicology, often lean toward a consideration of sound in general, instead of music. Our aim is to promote inter-university academic collaboration, establish game music as a significant research area alongside academic musicology, act as a hub or point-of-contact to advertise the research of the group members (and of other academics working in the field) and serve as a general attempt to create a coherent direction and body of knowledge for this sub-discipline."
"The Video Game Music Interest Group promotes discussion on collecting, promoting, and cataloging video game music in all types of libraries. With the rise of interest in video games and their music, providing access to recordings, scores, and research will be useful for scholarship, performance, and personal enjoyment."
AMS Ludomusicology Study Group
"The AMS Ludomusicology Study Group is dedicated to facilitating academic research on music interactive media"