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As the description above states, Oxford Music Online (OMO) is a database that serves as a portal to access encyclopedias and dictionaries on a wide-range of music topics, terms, and musicians. OMO is a great first place to start your research to obtain an overview of a topic.
Combination of encyclopedia and dictionary
Grove Music Online; Oxford Dictionary of Music; Oxford Companion to Music
Useful for finding background information, understanding terminology, and bibliography citations to find more resources
Modify your search with Boolean options: AND, OR, or NOT. Alternatively, you can use connectors AND, OR, or NOT in your initial search in the upper right-hand search field. For instance, you could try to narrow your search a bit by searching Beethoven AND “string quartets” to combine terms. Use quotes around a phrase to keep the words together. This will retrieve articles with the name "Beethoven" and phrase "string quartets" anywhere in the article.