Texas RegisterPublished weekly, the Texas Register records state agency rule making and review actions, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, requests for proposals, and other miscellaneous documents. This archive, established through a partnership with the Office of the Texas Secretary of State, Texas Register Section, provides free access to all issues of the Texas Register from Volume 1, No. 1 (January 6, 1976). to the present.
The University of North Texas Libraries (UNTL) and the Office of the Texas Secretary of State - Texas Register, in a partnership arrangement, established this collection to insure permanent storage and public access to the non-current electronic files of the Texas state government publication, the Texas Register. The most current issue of the Texas Register is first posted on the Texas Register Web site, where they maintain access to the most current six (6) months' issues of the Texas Register. The University of North Texas Libraries provides free access to all issues of the Texas Register beginning with Volume 1, No. 1 (January 6, 1976) up to within a week of the most currently released issue.