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Art Sources for the Identification and Valuation of Fine and Decorative Art

A guide of Art Sources for the Identification and Valuation of Fine and Decorative Art for the art.

Sculpture: Identification and Valuation Sources

Sculpture: Identification and Valuation Sources

Sculpture is included in all other categories in this subject guide (except other specific mediums).
Click on the title of the book to see the location and call number.

Bronzes: Sculptors & Founders, 1800-1930, (includes marks- 4 vols.)
Dictionary of British Sculptors, 1660-1851
Dictionnaire des Sculpteurs de l'Ecole Française (8 vols.)
Dictionary of American Sculptors: 18th Century to the Present
French Sculptors of the 17th and 18th Centuries: the Reign of Louis XIV (4 vols.)
Contemporary American Women Sculptors