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Artists and crafts persons from Antiquity through the Renaissance often had several spellings of their names used in different countries (especially Flemish Artists). These Reference books are the best source for finding these alternative spellings. Search for the artist's last name in the books listed below. Names are in alphabetical order in these books. Some sources are in German, but they are still the best sources available.
*Click on the title of the book to find the library location and the call number.
Dictionary of Artists (Benezit),
N40 .D5213 2006 14 vols.Now in English! One of the best sources available. Includes artists from antiquity to the 20th century.Also includes many artist's signatures. Also available above in an e-version.
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker (General Artist-Lexicon)
N40 .A63 1992 47 vols. Biographical entries on Artists from Antiquity to the 20th century.
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: Bio-Bibliographischer Index nach Berufen = (The Artists of the World: bio-bibliographical index by profession)
N40 .A625 2002 14 vols.
This is a great source for fine craftsmen such as goldsmiths, engravers, printmakers, etc., from Antiquity to the 20th century.
African American Art and Artists
American Women Artists from Early Indian Times to the Present
Australian Artist's Index
Biographical Directory of Women Artists in Europe and America Since 1850
Biographical Directory of Native American Painters
Biographies of Inuit Artists
Index-Dictionary of Chinese Artists, Collectors and Connoisseurs
Dictionary of Japanese Artists
Dictionary of Women Artists
Grove Dictionary of Art
Index to Artistic Biography & Supplement
International Dictionary of Art and Artists
Latin American and Caribbean Artists of the Modern Era
North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century
Museum of American Folk Art Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century American Folk Art and Artists
Self-Taught, Outsider, and Folk Art: a Guide to American Artists
Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century
St. James Guide to Native North American Artists
Search the databases below for biographical journal articles.
*If accessing off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and password.
Many contemporary artists do not yet have books or exhibition catalogs published about them; therefore, the best information can usually be found in journals.
Search examples (Names): Viola, Bill; Sherman, Cindy; Whiteread, Rachel; Smith, Kiki.
A web-based encyclopedia that indexes approximately 6,000 artists, many contemporary.
An index of American artists, includes images and bibliographies.