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PSCI 4700: Comparative Judicial Politics

Library research guide for PSCI 4700 Comparative Judicial Politics

Welcome to the Class Page for PSCI 4700

This class page is for the Research Paper in Professor Lee Walker's Political Science 4700 course (Comparative Judicial Politics); however, it has basic research steps and tools that are useful for any research you do. If you find you need more help, use the Ask Us services. Library reference staff members can be reached in person and through phone and email. You may also contact the Subject Librarian for the Political Science Department, Brea Henson.

Research Paper

You may take several approaches to the question or questions that are of interest to you.

  • Your paper must make an argument. For example, the appointment process for federal judges in the United States leads to the appointment of political judges, whereas the appointment process in Costa Rica shields the judiciary from direct political influence.

  • Your paper must compare aspects of the judicial institution across two countries (one of which may be the United States (of course, this is neither a requirement nor an expectation)). These aspects may pertain to judicial independence, the role of judges in law making, the judicial structure, the judicial appointment process, public support for the judiciary, and so forth. You should be sure to detail the political implications of the aspect that you choose to examine.

Additional Requirements:

  • Your paper should be at least seven pages and no more than ten typed pages long.

  • You should use either APA (American Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language

  • Association) style sheets (Your professor prefers parenthetical citations, but footnotes are endnotes are also acceptable forms).

  • For those using Word or Word Perfect, please use Times New Roman font at size 11 or 12, Arial font at size 10 or 11, or Courier New font at 10 or 11.

  • Your paper should include at least six non-web-based* sources. Once you have meant this source requirement minimum, you may use web-based sources to support your argument. You may use the course textbook as sources provided that you cite it properly.

Due on December 1

*Scholarly (peer reviewed) journal articles found through the UNT Libraries Databases/Electronic Resources and scholarly books found in the UNT Libraries online catalog are acceptable items to use in your paper as non-web-based sources. If you have questions about if something is a scholarly book or article please consult your professor or your Political Science Librarian.

General Library Information

General Library Information

UNT Libraries Locations

UNT has several libraries. Most Political Science materials can be found on the Mezzanine Level of Sycamore Library, which is located inside Sycamore Hall You can find a map of library locations here:

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