CountryWatch provides critical country-specific profiles and intelligence briefing. They are an information provider for corporations, government agencies, universities, schools, libraries and individuals needing up-to-date news and information on each of the recognized countries of the world. Dates of Coverage: Current.
While you cannot use CountryWatch as one of your 6 required sources, this is a great jumping off point to get your started and help you select your two countries.
To access CountryWatch, go to the Databases & E-Resources tab on the library homepage. Begin entering CountryWatch and select it from the drop down menu.

Select a Country to review by clicking on the black button on the right hand side of the page (circled in red below.)

For this example, we are looking at Lebanon. You can browse any of the tabs on the left hand side of the page but, in particular, the Govt. Structure (highlighted in yellow below) will give you information on the Judicial Branch of their government (scroll down to that section.)

If you have any questions about this resource, please ask your Political Science Librarian!