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PSCI 4700: Comparative Judicial Politics

Library research guide for PSCI 4700 Comparative Judicial Politics

ProQuest Political Science

ProQuest Political Science Journals includes articles from leading political science journals, including such topics as comparative politics, political economy, international development, and environmental policy. Dates of Coverage: 1985 - current

To access ProQuest Political Science, go to the Databases tab (circled in red below) from the blue box on the library homepage. Use the Select a Database drop down, select ProQuest Political Science (highlighted in yellow below) from the drop down menu, then click the Go button to the right (circled in red below). 

Use the text box to enter your search terms. In the example, "judicial appointment" and Lebanon (highlighted in yellow below,) "judicial appointment' is placed in quotes so the database knows you want to search those two words back to back. By adding and Lebanon, the database knows you want to search for only articles that have that phrase (judicial appointment) and that word (Lebanon.) Be sure to check the Peer reviewed box (circled in red below) before selecting the blue search button to the right of the text box.

If you have questions about this resource, please ask your Political Science Librarian!

Additional Electronic Resources (Scholarly/Peer Reviewed)