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According to the American Library Association, 47% of titles targeted for censorship in 2023 represent the voices and lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC individuals.
Intellectual freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored.
Censorship is limiting or removing access to words, images, or ideas. The decision to restrict or deny access is made by a governing authority. This could be a person, group, or organization/business. Censorship by the government is illegal (American Library Association.)
A ban is the removal of materials from a library based on the objections of a person or group.
A challenge is an attempt to have a library resource removed, or access to it restricted, based on the objections of a person or group (American Library Association.)
"Don't Say Gay" is the nickname critics have given the Parental Rights in Education Act passed in Florida. Many other states, including Texas, are using the Florida law as a template to pass similar restrictions on gender identity and sexual orientation instructions in K-12 classrooms (with the exclusion of health class, which parents can opt out of on behalf of their children.) This law has also had an impact on book challenges across the nation.
“When sexual orientation and gender identity are marginalized, young people can feel shamed and suppress their identities in ways that harm their mental and physical health” (New York Times.)
“Among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, the risk of attempting suicide was 20% greater in unsupportive environments compared to supportive environments” (National Library of Medicine.)