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Women's and Gender Studies

Resources for those interested in Women's and Gender Studies

How to Find Articles

The UNT Libraries subscribe to hundreds of online databases, and provide access to thousands of electronic journal titles, e-books, and media materials. This tutorial provides basic information about finding, and getting help with these systems in general, but if you need help, ask your librarian, Julie Leuzinger.

How to Find Electronic Databases

  1. Find it Yourself: Find information yourself using one of our search/browse systems.

  2. Use a Guide or Ask for Help: Consult a "Research Guide" (like this one) specifically tailored to a subject or class, use the ASK US link at the top of every page, or ask your subject librarian.

Find it Yourself: Using the Online Articles Search
  1. The "Online Articles" Search can search through millions of electronically available full-text, scholarly articles. Enter your search terms.
  2. On the results screen, use the left-column facet selectors to further refine your search.
Find it Yourself: Using the Databases Search

Search by Database title or subject.

On the Results Page. Note the following:
  1. Linked Title: Provides direct access to the Database.
  2. Information About the Resource: Each record provides information about the Resource.
  3. About this Database Link: Provides more information about the database. You can also get a permanent link on this page for sharing or future use.

Citation Management

RefWorks Library Guide

  • Easily export references from electronic databases, the UNT library catalog, text files, websites and more into your account
  • Quickly create reference lists for papers and projects in the citation style of your choice
  • Store, read and annotate files.

Citing Sources

Ask your professor what citation style is expected for your class:

APA (American Psychological Association)

APA style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences.

MLA (Modern Language Association)

MLA style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities.

CMS (Chicago Manual of Style)

CMS covers a variety of topics from manuscript preparation and publication to grammar, usage, and documentation.

If you need guidance on citing government information/publications, you can refer to this guide