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Increase Your Scholarly Impact

A self-service guide to help you increase your scholarly impact, provided by the Libraries' Scholarly Impact Service (SIS).

CV Considerations

There are a number of factors to consider as you draft your CV for tenure and/or promotion. This list may also help you create CVs for annual evaluation, external review, and other purposes.

  1. Does your department/college have a required or preferred CV format? Most departments start with the CV generated by the Faculty Information System, but you'll likely need additional information. Ask your department head or faculty that have gone up for promotion and tenure recently what format you should be using.
  2. What types of evidence that demonstrate the impact of your research does your department want to see? Check your department's promotion and tenure policies for this information. Consider whether to place this information in your personal statement, CV, or both.
  3. If your department wants bibliometric evidence, does it require/prefer . . . 
    • article metrics = citation counts
    • author metrics = h-index and others
    • journal metrics = Journal Impact Factor, CiteScore, Scimago Journal Ranking, h-index, and others
    • acceptance rate
    • one bibliometric source over another? Most frequently used are Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR)
  4. Does your department allow the use of altmetrics for research assessment? e.g., likes, readers, views, downloads.
  5. Do you need to highlight the publications on which you are the primary author?