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Public Administration

Find streaming films in the library collection

Faculty, please use the Streaming Media Faculty Request Form to request  any streaming films not found in the library collection, that you would like to use in your teaching. Streaming film rights can be purchased for your classes, if enough advanced notice is provided. Be aware that sometimes the licensing process for streaming films can take months.

To search the library's collection of streaming films by topic or to search for a specific title, the most comprehensive way is to search the "books and more" tab on by keyword or by title. Then use the facets on the left side of the page to narrow by Resource Type to "video/film". Then limit the Format or Media Type to "digital files" for streaming film content only. 

You may also choose to search or browse within some of the streaming film databases below. All of the streaming titles contained in these databases are indexed in the library catalog (the "books and more" tab on The video tutorial below shows how to search the library catalog for streaming films.

Bibliographies of Selected Videos

The lists below are selected bibliographies of DVDs and streaming films from the UNT Libraries. The documents contains links that take you directly to the UNT Library Catalog where you can read more about a video's content.

Select DVDs at the UNT Libraries

Faculty: The library collection still contains many physical format films, for which streaming may not be available. You can book DVDs for your course through the library catalog, by clicking on the "Faculty book this item for a class" link inside each film's detailed catalog record.

Students: You can check out these DVDs at the Chilton Media Library, according to its borrowing policy.

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This work is a derivative of "Public Administration", created by [author name if apparent] and © University of North Texas, used under CC BY-NC 4.0 International.