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Public Administration


Texas Legal Resources on the Internet

Texas Administrative Code
A compilation of Texas state agency rules.

Texas Constitution
The constitution of the state of Texas.

Texas Legislature Online
Comprehensive guide to members, committees and actions of the Texas Legislature.

Texas Statutes
Texas Statutes, organized by code.

UNT Department of Public Administration

UNT Department of Public Administration
Home page of the Department of Public Administration at the University of North Texas.

Evaluating Websites

1. Accuracy
Is the document well written and free of errors? Are facts and statistical data verifiable?
2. Authority
What are the credentials of the author? What is the domain of the document? (Such as, .com, .gov, .org, or .edu)
3. Objectivity
What are the goals of this document? Are there any advertisements? Is the advertiser/sponsor likely to have bias?
4. Currency
When was the page created? How often is the site updated? Are there any broken links?
5. Coverage
Is the content factual or opinion? Has the information been cited correctly?

Source: Cornell University Library, Five Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages

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This work is a derivative of "Public Administration", created by [author name if apparent] and © University of North Texas, used under CC BY-NC 4.0 International.