Open Access journals aren't the only way to create open access. Institutional and disciplinary repositories with open access policies can also provide a means of making scholarly work freely available.
Previously published work can be submitted as a pre-print or final manuscript version, sometimes with links to the final published version. If you need help locating one of your Author's Accepted Manuscripts (AAM), try the Direct2AAM guide.
Repositories can also be great places to preserve research data, bibliographies, presentations, or other research products.
The UNT Libraries Repository Services offers two digital repositories for managing, preserving, and providing open access to your research data and research output: The UNT Data Repository and UNT Scholarly Works.

UNT Scholarly Works is a special collection of items contributed by the UNT Community and hosted in the UNT Digital Library. This collection brings together articles, papers, presentations, books, chapters, reviews, academic posters, artwork, and other scholarly and creative works and makes them readily accessible to showcase UNTs research and creative achievements to a worldwide audience. The UNT Scholarly Works collection also serves as the open access repository for UNT.

UNT Data Repository is a central archive to provide long-term preservation and access to the research data of the UNT scholarly community. The Data Repository works in conjunction with the UNT Scholarly Works repository to ensure long-term access to the full range of research outputs from UNT.
For more information on managing your research data, including funding agency requirements, see UNT Libraries' Data Management LibGuide.