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Open Access

Open Access is an international movement to support unrestricted online access to peer-reviewed scholarly research. This guide provides resources and information for the UNT community about this emerging trend.

Why Open Access?

Erin McKiernan quote

Image by Ty Semaka and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (CC BY 3.0 US license). Available at: 

UNT Open Access Initiatives

  • Open Access @ UNT is an initiative to engage, and inform our UNT Community Members in a variety of efforts to promote adoption of Open Access policies and practices, to participate in the global Open Access movement, and to provide an online space for information, resources and discussion regarding Open Access.
  • The UNT Faculty Senate unanimously approved adopting a university-wide Open Access Policy on March 9, 2011.
  • In 2012, a group of technologists and librarians, scholars and researchers, university administrators, and other stakeholders promulgated The Denton DSycamore Libraryaration, a manifesto that bridges the converging interests of these stakeholders and promotes collaboration, transparency, and accountability across organizational and disciplinary boundaries.
  • In 2018, UNT became only the seventh U.S. institution to sign on to the OA2020 Expression of Interest in the Large Scale Implementation of Open Access to Scholarly Journals. This initiative aims to transform the majority of scholarly journals from subscription to OA publishing, convert resources currently spent on journal subscriptions into funds to support sustainable OA business models, and to build collaborations that support new forms of OA publishing.
  • UNT Scholarly Works serves as a central archive for the long-term preservation of and access to the products of the research of UNT community members. In addition, the UNT Data Repository preserves and provides access to datasets created by UNT community members. Both are part of the UNT Digital Library.
  • Under the sponsorship of UNT's Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, UNT College of Information, and the UNT Libraries, the annual Open Access Symposium was created in 2010 as a catalyst to move UNT and other academic institutions in Texas forward in consideration of institutional Open Access policies. The events feature various relevant topics as well as nationally and internationally recognized leaders of the Open Access movement. You can find information about both upcoming and past events, including information on our speakers and archival presentations here.
  • In the summer of 2018, UNT Press and the UNT Libraries began a collaboration called UNT Open Texts to support UNT faculty who wish to publish an open access textbook for use in UNT classes. In keeping with the UNT Libraries’ mission to provide leadership in innovation and learning, the Libraries are interested in raising awareness of the possibilities of open textbooks, which are free to read and redistribute in electronic form. Such books are sometimes available in print as well, but they are usually cheaper than conventionally published books, saving students money. And, since the book is always available in electronic form for free, instructors can assign reading from the first day of class, without having to wait for students to acquire a copy.
  • As a pilot initiative, the Libraries has recently joined the Open Textbook Network, a membership organization of institutions pooling expertise and promoting best practices toward the creation and adoption of open textbooks. The UNT Libraries will be offering a number of opportunities during the academic year for faculty to learn more about open textbooks, and to review textbooks for possible adoption. If you have questions about the Open Textbook Pilot Program, please contact John Martin and/or see our Free textbook alternatives guide.
  • To learn more about Open Education Resources in general, see our OER LibGuide.

Other OA Initiatives

  • Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) is a network of influential organizations committed to helping secure OA and OS infrastructure by providing a coordinated cost-sharing framework to support the non-commercial services on which it depends.

  • Open Knowledge International is a worldwide non-profit network of people passionate about openness, using advocacy, technology and training to unlock information and enable people to work with it to create and share knowledge.

  • The Budapest Open Access Initiative is the first major international statement of principles for open access.
  • The Open Access Button is a browser bookmarklet that allows you to register instances of hitting a paywall and provides options to try to locate an open access version of the article or contact the author.
  • The Open Data Button is a browser bookmarklet that allows you to register instances of not having access to research data and provides options to request access to the data.
  • Unpaywall is a free, open source browser extension. Unpaywall indicates whether or not there is a free open access (OA) version of an article when users encounter a paywall.
  • Independent Voices is an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. The collection is hosted by the Reveal Digital platform which provides page image-based, full-text, searchable documents .