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CACS 2020: Research Design and Methods

This guide is designed to highlight library resources for students in CACS 2020: Research Design and Methods

Understanding Sources

Different types of sources can be useful in different circumstances. Understanding sources will save you time and help you learn where to look. 

When to search for books? 

Books provide in-depth coverage on a topic and often contain historical information.

Search for books when you need significant information on a single topic. 

When to search for reference sources? 

Reference sources such as dictionaries and encyclopedias provide background information and historical research on a topic.

Search for reference sources when you need factual background information to provide context for your argument. 

When to search for scholarly articles?

Scholarly articles are peer reviewed journal articles written by subject experts which provide new research or insights in their field. Because the peer review process is rigorous, these articles hold more weight in the academic community than other types of articles but also take longer to publish. 

Search for scholarly articles when you need reputable research to support your argument. 

When to search for trade articles? 

Trade articles are non-peer reviewed articles written by industry experts or professionals in the field. Because these articles are not reviewed as thoroughly, they are published more quickly than scholarly articles.

Search for trade articles when you need information about recent developments, news, and trends in the field.