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MKTG 3710: Marketing Research & Analytics

Library guide for MKTG 3710: Marketing Research and Analytics

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Business Source Complete

Image of Business Source Complete basic search page

Provides industry profiles from multiple research firms. Select "Advanced Search," enter your industry in the search box, and select "Industry Profile" for the "Publication Type" search option.

Access the database at,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bth.

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GALE Business Insights

Image of Gale Business Insights database basic search page

Covers 900+ industries. Includes definitions, snapshots, background and development, current conditions, and industry leaders.

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IBIS World

Image of IBIS World database home page

U.S. industry market research reports. Include overviews, performance and outlook, competitive and regulatory environment, major competitors, operational conditions, and key statistics.

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Mergent Intellect

Image of Mergent Intellect database home page

500+ industry profiles. Include global major players; competitive landscape; products, operations, technology; sales & marketing; finance & regulation; and more. Access reports through "First Research" or within individual company records under "Industry Details" tab.

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