Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
Company overviews offer detailed profiles from information firms such as Mergent, EBSCOhost, GALE and LexisNexis. These overview can be accessed through subscription databases paid for by UNT Libraries.
Covers 500,000+ companies. Includes profiles, rankings, market size, products, brands, and financial ratios.
Access the database at
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Provides profiles and SWOT reports. Select "Advanced Search," enter your company in the search box, and select "Company Entity-CO" from the search field options.
Access the database at,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bth.
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Profiles for both U.S. public and private companies. Includes financials, market share, competitors, key benchmarks, and more.
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Wide range of business data on U.S. and international public and private companies. Includes key details, financials, competitors, and more.
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In depth company information on Dossier. Includes key facts, financials, news, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, and more.
Access the database at
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You can use the search engine Google to obtain company information by using the following tips: